Hello World!!!


Hello!  My name is DeeAnn.  I am a graphic designer and developer from the great state of Texas.  I am an artist and a vector freak and I love digital illustration.  I am currently in school finishing up my higher degrees in web design and development and love to share resources and interesting bits I find around the wonderful world that is the internet.

I have a love for big cats and often use them for inspiration in my digital illustration work.  I am also very dedicated to the environment and trying to live the life I want while still allowing the earth to be healthy and supportive for my kids and grand kids and all the kids to come.  I can be a wild child and I am not always politically correct but I do have a very strong belief in being true and honest. I am a passionate and very loyal being.  Integrity is my main focus in how I gain success.  You can have all the riches of the world and the love of millions but without integrity and truth it’s value is worthless.

I have recently began a battle with cancer that has led me on a journey and also given me a completely new insight on life.  I have survived incest, and a broken home.  I struggled to raise my children as a single mother, and still managed to educate myself and grow.  I had reached a point in my life where I was finally able to achieve things for myself and move the directions I wanted to move and as I was about to jump into the abyss of what I was lovingly thinking of as the life I have waited for, I was diagnosed with cancer and rushed into a treatment regimen that, to say the least, almost killed me.

I have always been a fighter.  I never give up and I will push and push, until I just can’t even move anymore.  Cancer has been and will be no different than the other obstacles I have overcome.  A learning experience and a struggle that will leave me stronger and more capable.  It will be this way because I will to be no other.

This blog will be an assortment of resources for designers, interesting trends and things I find on my journey and the story of a life that has always been just a little more difficult.  I love to share things I find that will help people that are currently struggling through the obstacles I have been in.  My ultimate goal is to help, to put a smile on a face, and to just make the world somewhere I don’t mind being.

I hope you follow along and find the information within useful or at least entertaining.  I would love to hear your stories as well. My personal site is http://www.deeanngray.com, on the contact page there are a million ways to reach me.  You can also view my portfolio there to see some of my work.  Thank you for your time.  I will be posting quite often and will always have a Sunday post no matter how sick or busy.

Nice to Meet You

2 thoughts on “Hello World!!!

    • Yes pretty much everything I post I have designed myself or digitally remastered in some way. I love creating things. It always makes me feel better 🙂 Thanks for the compliment. No matter how many times I submit work I always feel that pang of what if they hate it…I appreciate you taking the time to comment!! It means a lot to me.


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