Its Been A While…


It has been a crazy year so far….  I am currently Interviewing to find a design home… My work is entering a level of amazing I never knew could be possible.  I am starting the trek into mobile application development for Windows.  It is so fun to create apps.  I have been trying to do a new portfolio and have a beautiful concept in the works but finding time is becoming increasingly difficult.

I feel great!!  No symptoms or bugs in MONTHS!!!!  🙂   Yay… Go me.  I may be a super hero after all……but I think it has to do more with being so strong willed I eventually beat everything into submission….lol.   I am proof to the statement mind over matter and that you should never give up.  If I had given up when told I only had a month to live I would have left this planet 16 months ago….Yet here I am healthy, strong,able and contributing…..Keep a hold of your dreams and don’t ever let anyone tell you that you can’t, won’t or are unworthy!  The only thing strong enough to stop a dream is your own fear.  So just take a deep breath and then LEAP….

I hope this finds everyone well and happy……Drop me a line and let me know..


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