Its Been A While…


It has been a crazy year so far….  I am currently Interviewing to find a design home… My work is entering a level of amazing I never knew could be possible.  I am starting the trek into mobile application development for Windows.  It is so fun to create apps.  I have been trying to do a new portfolio and have a beautiful concept in the works but finding time is becoming increasingly difficult.

I feel great!!  No symptoms or bugs in MONTHS!!!!  🙂   Yay… Go me.  I may be a super hero after all……but I think it has to do more with being so strong willed I eventually beat everything into submission….lol.   I am proof to the statement mind over matter and that you should never give up.  If I had given up when told I only had a month to live I would have left this planet 16 months ago….Yet here I am healthy, strong,able and contributing…..Keep a hold of your dreams and don’t ever let anyone tell you that you can’t, won’t or are unworthy!  The only thing strong enough to stop a dream is your own fear.  So just take a deep breath and then LEAP….

I hope this finds everyone well and happy……Drop me a line and let me know..


My New Project


My new venture is off and running!  I am so excited!  I created a site featuring original T-Shirt, Poster and Greeting card designs.  I hope you all will have a look and let me know what you think.  If you are interested in having a design featured on Imagination Station Originals just email me and let me know.  I would love to have several designers add in to the catalog.


Seeing-Red Scorpion Sailing-Away Pride

Creativity Lover Rebels

Happppy 2013


The parties are over and we are well into 2013.  I hope it has been a good start for everyone.  I have been really busy with work lately and I am enjoying a small slowing spell that was much needed.  Of course another flu.  I will be glad when my immune system is back to normal, but I can deal with the bugs and flus.  I won’t gripe.  After what we have all been through and the death sentence I tiptoed past the flu doesn’t seem like such a big deal.

I think 2013 is a time for renewal and new opportunities.  I feel like something great is on the horizon, not just for me but for the planet in a whole.  We are at the dawning of a great age of knowledge and growth.  All we have to do is embrace it and find a way to do all these wonderful things without hurting each other and killing the planet.

My physical problems are just about history and along with going through them I dealt with a lot of the other damages as well.  Now, I am hoping to move into that time in my life that is all about being happy and most of all being me.  It has taken me forever to find who that was and I think it grows and changes daily.  Days go by and things change on a whim but one thing is always constant in this roller coaster and that is me.  Blessings to everyone and best wishes!  Makes 2013 yours!!