Get it Together


Fall is here and with it there are so many projects on the horizon.  Every one is back in school or has kiddos back in school.  Work is taking off as everyone settles in and starts to get ready for the holiday blitz.  I thought this would be a great time to share some of the applications that help me most during the busy season.

First Note:  First note is one of my favorites.  It is included in Microsoft Office Student and Teacher Edition.  This program allows you to make notebooks and organize all of the information you are working with.  Each notebook can have unlimited sections and pages and within can hold pictures, videos, links, just about anything you can imagine.  This is perfect for the student or blog writer, or just about anyone who has several projects going on and needs a way to organize it all in one handy place.  There are apps for One Note for your android phone or tablet, I-phone and IPAD and of course windows phones as well. You can download a trial version here:


Evernote:  Another of my favorite apps available for your PC, phone or tablet. EverNote is like OneNote.  It is also shareable with friends and colleagues.  You can have buttons right on your browser that will pull the information into an EverNote note book for you.  Evernote also has fun applications to add along with it like Skitch.  That allow you to paint or write on your own pictures and add them to a notebook or send to contacts.  You can get EverNote here:


Taptu:  Last but not least is Taptu.  Taptu is a great way to organize all your feeds in one place.  With scroll menus and easy to read titling this app is wonderful!  Available on Windows 8, Android and MAC.  You can even add in all your social network feeds as well.  You can get Taptu here:



Along with apps to help with getting back to school and work I wanted to include a freebie I found this week while surfing the web.  I am an icon FREAK and always love finding good ones for free.  This week I found a great set of Windows 8 look Icons.


Thanks for reading this week!  I will see you again next Sunday where I will be sharing some of my favorite spots to find free vectors and psd files.  I wish you all a wonderful week!